Classes and Workshops
Join me for a fun and educational experience that inspires creativity and a lifelong love of nature!
Welcome to our in-person classes and workshops in botanical illustration and nature journaling (designed especially for kids)! These engaging sessions offer you the chance to explore the beauty of nature while learning the fundamentals of drawing and painting plants and wildlife.

Group Classes

Watercolour paper HOT-PRESS 300gsm 100% cotton
I recommend Saunders Waterford HP “high white” 300gsm ; Fabriano 5 300gsm, or Arches Satine 300gsm.
Please, make sure it is Hot-press paper! Cold-press does not work for botanical illustration!

Graphite pencil
Graphite pencils: H, HB, B.
Choose from wooden pencils of artists’ quality (e.g. Staedtler, Mars, Faber Castell).

Professional-grade watercolour paint

Round watercolour brushes
Watercolour paint, professional-grade Winsor & Newton: Payne’s Grey, Winsor Violet, Permanent Rose, Cadmium Yellow,* Cadmium Lemon*, Cadmium Red*, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, French Ultramarine, Winsor Blue Green Shade.
(If you already have professional-grade primary palette watercolour paints, please bring them. There is no need to buy new paints.)
*Please note: cadmium colours are being phased out, so “cadmium free” versions of these are now available.
Round watercolour brushes made from either sable hair or synthetic.
I recommend a Winsor & Newton “Series 7,” Size 1 sable brush for general use. The equivalent size and shape in a synthetic brush is a Daler Rowney “gold taklon” Round, no. 2 or 3. Extra: a smaller size such as 00 or 0, and a larger size such as 3 or 4 W&N Series 7 or equivalent.
- Eraser
- Pencil Sharpener
- Ceramic palette, flat or with wells; or a white ceramic plate, for mixing and diluting paints.
- Ruler
- Container/ cup (for water).
- plants / vegetables / fruits - to be determined in accordance with the lesson
* since some material are difficult to find in local art stores, the student may buy from me these materials. Please email me for more info.

Coloured Pencils
24 pencils set
Choose from wooden pencils of artists’ quality (e.g. Winsor & Newton, Faber Castell).